Saturday, April 2, 2011

Where has the time gone....

In case there is anyone out there who still reads our blog, I guess it's time for an update. I keep thinking there will be a point when Carson quits changing so much, but I haven't hit that point yet.
Here are some of our favorite things he is doing:
-running to his room, coming back to tell us "i'll be right back" then going back to his room
-singing songs with us at night. his favorite seems to be twinkle, twinkle
-telling us more about his day. i love hearing about his day from his point of view
-kevin asked him something the other day and he said "i'll have to get back to you"
-he is getting so much better about sharing his toys with his friends (but he still has his two year old moments of "MINE!")
-he loves to be outside, kevin got out his golf set the other day and he has been having so much fun with it
-last night at dinner he kept saying "one...two....three....go to time out!" (wonder where he got that from :) )
-there are so many other things, hopefully kevin will post some of his favorite later.

We went to Athens over spring break to visit some of my family and had so much fun. Carson had a blast playing with Jacee and Michael and we got to spend a lot of time outside!

Carson and Kevin fishing

Carson with Jacee and Michael

Their neighbors had built a really tall tree house that had multiple stories. Kevin, of course, had to climb to the top. The little orange dot is Carson. 

Playing golf in the back yard

Carson loves anything and everything to do with firemen/fire trucks.... 
Yesterday he was looking out our window waiting for a firetruck

Another cute picture from Athens

We also decided to cut his hair short for two reasons 1. for the summer 2. he screamed and cried every morning when kevin tried to fix his hair

It's not a great photo, but I think he looks so much older now, and a lot more like Kevin

Monday, March 14, 2011

Much to Learn

     Kathy walked into the kitchen this morning and said: "I don't think Carson fully understands the idea of timeout."  I asked why and she said: "because he is drowning his men in the bathtub when he puts them in timeout."
     It's funny that he grasps the idea of timeout.  His men hit each other, no naturally they must go to timeout as punishment.  But then he doesn't grasp the idea that holding them under water would not be an effective form of timeout because, well you know......
     It got me to thinking that we have taught Carson so much and he has gotten a lot of those concepts but he hasn't learned everything he needs to know, I mean he is only 2.   But you know what?  We can't wait to teach him more and more about everything that is important for him to know.  I love that he has picked up so many concepts already and love that we get to teach him more and more as each day goes by.

grace & peace

(on a superhero sidebar-the two men he was holding underwater were Aquaman and Wolverine.  So as you know, Aquaman lives in water and Wolverine is invincible so they were okay.  Captain America was safe on land.  So, maybe, just maybe....Carson is a genius and smarter that I originally thought.)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'm So Proud

Long time since the last post so I promise this one will be profound and earth shattering....

I had one of my proudest moments as a father a couple days ago.  Carson was able to name every Superhero on my Justice League T-Shirt.  I'm glad I am able to impart so much wisdom on our young son.  At least he knows the really important things.  Of course it wasn't really one of my proudest moments as a father but it was pretty cool to know how well he listens and how he is able to pick so many things up so fast.

grace & peace